Now can anyone guess what I'm about to talk about?
Dewa 19?
No(though they do got a couple of good records)
(Tune on the radio) Those?
Ariel Peterporn?
Fuck no!
I wanna talk about these cats right here.
The Tielman Brothers
Indorock is musical genre popular in Netherlands and Europe from the middle of 50's. This genre is unique as it combines the Indonesian's Keroncong style and Western music.
After Indonesian's independence in 1945, many Indo musicians(mostly Dutch-Indo) repatriated back to Europe while bringing keroncong style and influence back there. It is during this time that Rock 'n' Roll-spearheaded by Chuck Berry-start to rampage across America, but these artists did not usually tour outside the State. So the Indorock bands started to record the American hits and become famous themselves. Earliest and most notable Indorockers are The Tielman Brothers, The Room Rockers, Electric Johnny & His Skyrockets, The Black Dynamite and The Crazy Rockers.
My fav Indorock band would be The Tielman Brothers. Watch the above video, no question right?

Tielman Brothers is the fucking master of showmanship. I bet 50% of Rock 'n' Roll stage antics nowadays can be traced back to these guys. Lead by singer/guitarist Andy Tielman (the Godfather of Dutch Rock n Roll, the Uncrowned King of Indo Rock), these brothers including Reggy, Ponthon and Loulou, and later Jane Tielman were the leader of the scene.
Andy and his band were the first guys to own Gibson Les Paul in Holland. Then he changed to Fender Jazzmaster, claiming the Les Paul too heavy. But he found the sound is too thin and decided to convert the 6 string to a 10. He drilled 4 extra holes on the non tuner side of the peghead, install extra tuner and use thinner banjo strings. Soon everyone start talking about Andy's new sound and for a while he wrapped a towel around his headstock to hide 'em. That doesn't help of course, and after a while everyone knew and start copying him. Some of the big name in music world influenced by Tielman Brothers are Jimi Hendrix and The Beattles.
Andy is still rocking till today and for the memories of his deceased siblings(Ponthon, Loulou and Jane) he will open every concert with the song "Guitar Boogie", the first song he and his brothers play around with, as a tribute to The Tielman Brothers. "I'm gonna play this song till I close my eyes" he said in one interview.
More on Tielman Brothers
Download-> The Tielman Brothers - indo rock 1964-65: Part1, Part 2