Dec 9, 2011
I used to write new posts, then I took an arrow to the knee..
Guys, I was Skyrimmed....
That damn game took a coupla weeks from my life, and I dont think I saw even half of that game. In the end I decided to uninstall the damn game for a while or imma screw up this semester for sure. Need a couple of days to find my groove to write back...
End rant
Nov 30, 2011
Nov 23, 2011
The break is over. My new semester has already started.
Annnnnnd the Macmanus brothers also hate Twilight. Fucking sweet. Cant wait for the next installment of the 'Saints.
Nov 16, 2011
Bad as Me
Been out of internet connection for some time, hence the blog is a little..dusty. So anyway this here is the much anticipated Tom Waits album. I know, I know, its been a month or something after its official release. In fact, I got my copy the day it was released(the 'dirty' way of course). As I was enjoying the album I was kinda torn apart between the mad, urging needs to share this album and my mad respect for the guy. It felt like I kinda snatching the food Tom Waits about to put in his mouth or something...
So I just waited for a month or something. That way I feel more like scrounging his leftover instead.
Hey, who want an internet pirate with a moral anyway? Though if you did found this album in the music store or something, buy the goddamned thing will ya, if only to keep the old hound to produce more albums. In my defence, I can assure you with absolute confidence that no music store in 70 km of my radius that got this album. Believe me, you don't want to know what craps the people here been listening to..
So I just waited for a month or something. That way I feel more like scrounging his leftover instead.
Hey, who want an internet pirate with a moral anyway? Though if you did found this album in the music store or something, buy the goddamned thing will ya, if only to keep the old hound to produce more albums. In my defence, I can assure you with absolute confidence that no music store in 70 km of my radius that got this album. Believe me, you don't want to know what craps the people here been listening to..
Nov 5, 2011
Oct 26, 2011
R.I.P Joe Yamanaka
"Akira Yamanaka ( September 2, 1946 – August 7, 2011), better known as Joe Yamanaka, was a half Japanese and half American(black) singer, known both for his work with Flower Travellin' Band and as a solo musician. He was also close friends with Bob Marley, and later became the lead singer for The Wailers for around 5 years after Marley died. In March 2010 it was announced that he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He died from his cancer on August 7, 2011 less than a month before his 65th birthday."wikipedia
I just knew about this awful news last night. I knew the Flower Travellin' Band's reunion activity had been put on halt because of Joe's condition-I thought it was throat cancer- the last time I googled them on the 'Net. Well i just wished him all the best and quite frankly forgotten all about him. It was last night when i wondered what happened to old Joe, and then was quite devastated after my first search result on Google-the wikipedia page- revealed that grim date in the bracket ...
To be frank, I only familiar with his FTBs material. And I only know about FTB after watching that crazy Miike's movie Deadly Outlaw Rekka, which used FTB's epic 1971's album Satori as the entire soundtracks. Joe also acted in that movie as a cameo, and at the ending, both Joe and Yuya Uchida(founder, ex-FTB) watched at the camera and said

Fucking sweet..
Joe was also a real life badass. There is this story of how FTB went and charge for the ticket, something that is never happen in Japan at that time, early 70's I guessed. In other word, FTB was among the first band that charge for their show in the free-concert era Japan. Hell broke loose, and there was a little riot on the concert. Hideki Ishima(FTB guitarist) said in an interview that Joe quite single handedly shut the rioters up when he KOd one, a bit aggressive rioter-who was carrying a fucking spear, as the story goes- with a mean right straight. Seemed no one forgot to mention that Joe was an amateur boxer at that time, and he did went professional for quite some time.
All the while rocking a mean afro
So, in behalf of of untold millions that had the good fortune of being touched by your music, I thank you, and bid you a good farewell, Mr Akira "Joe" Yamanaka. A musician, an actor, a boxer, the original afro samurai, and most importantly, a friend.
And fuck you cancer.
Oct 20, 2011
Fucking Orthomyxoviridae, and later, A Fan Rant of The Similarity between Asai Kenichi and Bob Dylan
I was down with flu for past few days..still had a running nose, maybe walking instead of running now but still bloody annoying. Maybe its the rainy nights, maybe its the dusts in my room..but i'm just saying you should blame them for the lack of post a'ight.
So a quick update from Asai Kenichi and Chiba Yusuke then. They were both-according to a quick glance on their website Sexy Stones Record and Rockin', respectively- pretty busy with tours promoting their latest album, as one could expect. However Asai Kenichi also just released his first 'children picture book' called Lets Study..
' Roulee & His Father's Short Story
For Children All of The World '

Some of them arts by Asai Kenichi..

I remembered that story of how Asai Kenichi got into these artsy stuff, y'know the painting and guitar, when he is bedridden for almost a year after his motorcycle accident..I assume in his wild bosozoku days.
Yeah, another point of similarity here I noted, between Asai Kenichi and the great Bob Dylan - the motorcycle accident. Though maybe of the different extreme here I guess; Benzie's accident is his starting point, while Dylan's 'alleged' accident... in a way, marked the end of his golden age. Dylan himself admitted this, saying that he had lost 'something' in that accident, in his songwriting faculty...saying again that afterward he 'need to consciously trying to achieve what he could done unconsciously before', or something to that effect.
And Dylan also dabbled in painting stuff, and these here are some of them arts by Dylan;
Both are also known to enjoy manly bikes..
I always wished of getting one of these kind of bikes. They are abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous machines. I dont know why don't more people ride them. Most of the modern motorcycle design nowadays are drop dead fugly, with not even a shred of class or decency in it. For example, here in Malaysia the most popular 'big' bike is this pile of dog shit here;
Pictured,Yamaha RXZ- the ultimate symbol
of douchebaggery in Malaysia
Well back to Benzie and Dylan. I found them both also kinda lookalike- like some of their their facial feature and those curly hairs-but this maybe the hallucination of an obsessed fan though.
Or is it?
Oct 14, 2011
Long Live Play
I've been fighting with my video games addiction for quite some time. Always the same bloody
1. thinking I want to stop playing for real
2. dont touch a game for a week or two
3. Thinking 'well a 30 minute session wont hurt nobody'
4. Get hook back for a month
5. Repeat step 1
Then I saw this video and submit to my destiny.
Gamer for Life.
Long Live Play!!
Oct 11, 2011
Oct 6, 2011
Rockin Movies - Redline
"Redline is about the biggest and most deadly racing tournament in the universe. Only held once every five years, everyone wants to stake their claim to fame, including JP, a reckless dare-devil driver oblivious to speed limits with his ultra-customized car – all the while, organized crime and militaristic governments want to leverage the race to their own ends. Amongst the other elite rival drivers in the tournament, JP falls for the alluring Sonoshee – but will she prove his undoing, or can a high speed romance survive a mass destruction race?"
Same drill as before;
1. Go here :
2. Register or Log in
3. Download and enjoy
Rockin Blues'd Malaysian Edition - The Butterfingers
The Butterfingers, from left to right;
- Kadak - Mohd Fakharudin Bin Mohd Bahar (Bass, Vocals)
- Emmett - Emmett Roslan Ishak (Vocals, Guitar, Violin)
- Loque - Khairil Ridzwan bin Anuar (Guitar, Samples, Vocals)
- Loko - Mohamad Hafiz (Drums)
You couldn't have any credible or sane discussions about Malaysian rock scene without the mention of the name 'The Butterfingers'. True story mate...these guys were, still is, and still would be; the greatest rock band that Malaysia had ever produced. Widely considered as a grunge band, their earlier materials were so heavily influenced by the Seattle scene that the locals initially thought their first demo "1 goat, 2 apples and 16 oranges" was an unreleased Nirvana album-Emmet does sound like Kurt Cobain it sometimes scare me.
The Chemistry(Between Us), one of the songs that pretty much sums
up the awesomeness of The Butterfingers
Malayneum, rock n roll with their trademark style -
which the fans dubbed as the 'Butter' sound.
which the fans dubbed as the 'Butter' sound.
These guys are a freaking monster and messiah, or maybe an awesome combination of both; a mutated keris-wielding-six string-slinging-were-messiah...or something. They had spawned maybe thousands other(mostly insignificant) bands from their impressed fans up to this days. Our very own Nirvana, you could say- or maybe Sex Pistols or Blankey Jet City..
Like any other great band, The Butterfingers music are evolving. Or rather, Loque the mastermind's songwriting are maturing. No one could drive on teen angst forever right. So the second phase of The Butterfingers they wrote songs mostly in Malay language. Their last two albums Selamat Tinggal Dunia(Goodbye World) and Kembali(The Comeback) were 100% in Malay and sounded more experimental...some said more to Pink Floyd/Radiohead territory.
Cuai (Clumsy)
"In 2003, Emmett left to further his education in Canada, leaving the rest of the band to release and promote Selamat Tinggal Dunia without him. There were rumors of Butterfingers breaking up or melting away (helped by the title of the record itself which can be directly translated as Goodbye World). One week after Emmett returned to Malaysia, in 2006, it was Loque's turn leave, this time for Berkley College in Boston, where he continued writing music for the band.
2008 saw the release of their sophomore Malay album, "KEMBALI", which means 'the comeback', coincidentally timed with the Loque's return during his Fall break. During those rare few weeks together, the band worked at full capacity to play and promote what would be their last album together.
During Loque's hiatus, the high demand for Butterfingers, plus the success of "KEMBALI", which was well received by fans and industry alike, insisted that Emmett, Loko and Kadak continue to play show. They added famed guitarist and music producer, Greg Henderson to their temporary line-up. This quartet played a variety of shows, including Butterfingers regular headlining spot for the biggest annual music festival, Rock The World.
With Loque returning in January 2009, and Emmett relocating to Canada in May 2009, it was finally time for the boys to admit the truth and plan the band's farewell tour de force. For this, they chose the most prestigious venue open to live performances, Istana Budaya(Palace of Art), making Butterfingers the first independent band to play there. The four shows played over two days sold out long before the performances and were a huge success. It was an emotional send off for all: the people's band that played only for their love of music, and those who loved their music."
Loque continued to write songs, even while studying in Boston, under the moniker Monoloque. Upon his return to Malaysia, he released several tracks, which have been doing well, filling the void Butterfingers fans felt. Monoloque band, which the members including Kadak and Loko, continues to push the Malaysian music boundaries to new heights.
Monoloque singing a P. Ramlee's song for a
tribute album
Live at The House of Coco Tang, Nottingham
Live at The House of Coco Tang, Nottingham
Oct 5, 2011
15Malaysia is 15 short films about Malaysia featuring some of the country's coolest directors and personalities.
Oct 4, 2011
Rockin Blues'd Malaysian Edition - P. Ramlee
"Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr. P. Ramlee, (March 22, 1929 – May 29, 1973), born Teuku Zakaria bin Teuku Nyak Puteh; was a Malaysian film actor, director, singer, songwriter, composer, and producer. Due to his contributions to the movie and music industry and his literary work, he is often considered the icon of Malay entertainment in Malaysia, Singapore, and Sumatra (especially in Aceh due to his ancestry)."wikipedia
I had posted about music that fucking matters to me, but mostly stuff from Japan and America.. I dont think I posted much Brit bands here, I'll look into that matter in a bit. But now I wanna talk about the musics from MY country..which is a small country called Malaysia, in case you dont know.
Sure, most of the newer bands somewhat failed to ermm...grab my attention(or the world, for that matter) by the fucking balls, that's why I hunt for stuff outside see...But there is no denying that there are some persons throughout the history that had produced such work of arts of the highest quality here. One of the prime example is P. Ramlee- the pride and honour, I must add, of Malaysian cinematic and musical scene- who had directed over 60 movies and wrote over 390 songs.
To give you a glimpse of his talent, here is two clips from the 1962's Ibu Mertuaku(My Mother in-law), in which P. Ramlee directed, play the lead actor(a famous saxophonist turn blind), wrote the songs and sang them. And the film won him a specially created award just for him, The Most Versatile Talent award; on the 10th Asian Film Festival (Tokyo,1963). He cant even play the saxophone, but he acted so damn well that after this movie was released everybody, even nowadays, thought he was an expert saxophonist.
Jeritan Batinku
Jangan Tinggal Daku
P. Ramlee started humbly as a worker at the Malay Film Production(MFP) in Singapore, doing general chores like moving the camera, as the clipper boy and sometimes as extra in the movies. He got his major break when a newly employed Indian director L. Krishnan want P Ramlee to play as the lead on his 1950's Bakti. The movie was a hit and the audience started to take notice of the young P Ramlee. P Ramlee then starred on a couple more successful movies, growing more famous as an actor, singer and songwriter. At that time every directors on MFP want P Ramlee on their movie because it will be a guaranteed hit. At the height of his popularity he was given the trust to direct his first movie, the 1955 big hit Penarek Becha (Trishaw Driver), making him the second Malay to ever become a director.
The Malaya movie scene at that time was really dominated by Hindustan movies from India. Indian movie was really in at that time that even most of the directors in MFP was brought from India. But P Ramlee's second movie Semerah Padi(1956) is the only local movie that manage to topple the Indian movies box-office at that time. For his third film Pancha Delima, he took on the scripts written by one of the Shaw Brothers(the big bosses of MFP) that no other directors want to take and turned it into a cinematic gold. On the preview of that movie-attended by the Shaw Brothers and all MFP directors (including P. Ramlee)-Run Run Shaw suddenly stopped the movie midway, demanding they turn on the lights in the preview room. Facing every directors under his employment he began to scold all the other established directors. Quoting on Ramli Kecik(P Ramlee's assistant), Run Run Shaw was so angry he said " You're all pussy directors...this young man could make such a good film, but you more experienced directors dare not to take on this script!"
That remark however, sown the seed of discontent among the other directors that would become one of the factors that ultimately being the demise of P. Ramlee. I suggested everybody to watched this brilliant documentary of P Ramlee on the History Channel, a classic story actually, of the rise of an unnamed boy to an idol, the fall of a genius by his own people, and the death of a broke and broken man that finally immortalized him, all in one man's lifetime.
The Malaya movie scene at that time was really dominated by Hindustan movies from India. Indian movie was really in at that time that even most of the directors in MFP was brought from India. But P Ramlee's second movie Semerah Padi(1956) is the only local movie that manage to topple the Indian movies box-office at that time. For his third film Pancha Delima, he took on the scripts written by one of the Shaw Brothers(the big bosses of MFP) that no other directors want to take and turned it into a cinematic gold. On the preview of that movie-attended by the Shaw Brothers and all MFP directors (including P. Ramlee)-Run Run Shaw suddenly stopped the movie midway, demanding they turn on the lights in the preview room. Facing every directors under his employment he began to scold all the other established directors. Quoting on Ramli Kecik(P Ramlee's assistant), Run Run Shaw was so angry he said " You're all pussy directors...this young man could make such a good film, but you more experienced directors dare not to take on this script!"
That remark however, sown the seed of discontent among the other directors that would become one of the factors that ultimately being the demise of P. Ramlee. I suggested everybody to watched this brilliant documentary of P Ramlee on the History Channel, a classic story actually, of the rise of an unnamed boy to an idol, the fall of a genius by his own people, and the death of a broke and broken man that finally immortalized him, all in one man's lifetime.
A full english subbed movie of his last film Laxmana Do Re Mi( Warriors Do Re Mi) on Youtube..not the greatest piece from him, but this is the only one with eng sub on the 'tube I could find.
P Ramlee's Songs-The Collection
Oct 3, 2011
Because a prose dont need to rhyme, amirite?
Thus endeth my first semester in the university;
T'was a trying time indeed,
with daily ritual of going up and down a
and a weekly one-hour-plus bus ride to the lab session.
And many a stupidly ill-scheduled extracurricular classes,
didst resulting in thy Narrator-
whose legendary lazyness and
his "Aww, fuck it.." philosophy in life
which may or may not be well known;
-need to repeat that one stupid fucking course
sometime in the near future.
T'was many annoyances didst
he encounterth though,
for instance, there was this dickhead
-May the Devils gangbang thy soul, amen;
whose ungentlemanly misconduct of
stealing thy Narrator's wallet
did bluesth his heart
for a day or two.
T'was some smiles didst
he honestly enjoyeth though,
for instance, there is this sweet-ass lookin guitar
whose mere ownership of-
didst nearly carve a permanent grin
on thy Narrator's mug,
-though understandably this little fact
didst rage his mother
for a ten minutes or two.
![]() |
A Samick Royale RL 1, with self added Chess Record logo. |
So thy Narrator is now
facing a little break for-
a stretch of a month or something;
Thus he didst himself thinketh of
spending most of that time on his stupid blog
and immerse himself in the study of
the art of music generally,
and art of guitaring specifically..
However there are some facts
which may or may not be well known;
his "Aww, fuck it.." philosophy in life
and his legendary lazyness-
held thy Narrator absolutely unaccountable
for any claims that he
had uttered
so casually.
-But he didst admits
spouting bullshit
in made up
does had its own fun,
Sep 23, 2011
The words of Kyo (Dir en grey)
Thorns coiled around the sun
Regret melts with the mixture of a sigh
I spit and laugh at the dreams I've seen enough of
The hearts of men eaten by loneliness grows cruelly
It melts into the layers of white
The shattered truth means the opposite
Love to the smile
The gloomy morning has already died
It's going far away, unable to reach
I want to fall asleep in the innocent gentleness with the tears
Lying about being pregnant is so carefree
The drowning tears in the pool made by a razor, taste vaguely sweet
The gloomy tomorrow has already died
I hated myself for not being able to forgive the tears, the lies and the love
But I can't go back
It's going far away, unable to reach
I want to fall asleep in the innocent gentleness with the tears
It just echoes beyond the red sky in the background
The cries can not be... heard anymore
Regret melts with the mixture of a sigh
I spit and laugh at the dreams I've seen enough of
The hearts of men eaten by loneliness grows cruelly
It melts into the layers of white
The shattered truth means the opposite
Love to the smile
The gloomy morning has already died
It's going far away, unable to reach
I want to fall asleep in the innocent gentleness with the tears
Lying about being pregnant is so carefree
The drowning tears in the pool made by a razor, taste vaguely sweet
The gloomy tomorrow has already died
I hated myself for not being able to forgive the tears, the lies and the love
But I can't go back
It's going far away, unable to reach
I want to fall asleep in the innocent gentleness with the tears
It just echoes beyond the red sky in the background
The cries can not be... heard anymore
The words of Chiba Yusuke
West Cabaret Drive
Growing in the quagmire, we bend over the foot,
It probably does not become the sand which dries,
As for the smoke which flows from the lung,
It burns at the temperature which dampens and has risen,
Burning bastions which rises,
The revolution it turns and it dances,
Around Mexico the steal flying sluggishly, the steal it is,
The canary typhoon the night when you go away,
The area it is center starting dissolving,
It probably goes to that daughter somewhere,
The revolution it turns and it dances,
It is sucked to west,
Don't you think? The bonnet rolling,
The west cabaret drive which even then you are not concerned and not concerned,
Dragging the pride suit,
The scene being cut off film short circuits,
Half purple it sank,
Just colour of the dawn remembering, the bend over,
Remembering, the bend over,
The revolution it turns and it dances,
It probably does not become the sand which dries,
As for the smoke which flows from the lung,
It burns at the temperature which dampens and has risen,
Burning bastions which rises,
The revolution it turns and it dances,
Around Mexico the steal flying sluggishly, the steal it is,
The canary typhoon the night when you go away,
The area it is center starting dissolving,
It probably goes to that daughter somewhere,
The revolution it turns and it dances,
It is sucked to west,
Don't you think? The bonnet rolling,
The west cabaret drive which even then you are not concerned and not concerned,
Dragging the pride suit,
The scene being cut off film short circuits,
Half purple it sank,
Just colour of the dawn remembering, the bend over,
Remembering, the bend over,
The revolution it turns and it dances,
Sep 8, 2011
The words of Asai Kenichi
Iceland Boy, Sherbets - Miracle(2007)
Colder than Iceland, a long way away in a northern land
Chilling, freezing very cold, living in a little home
Very old, iron stove, red red embers burning coal
Colder than Iceland, a long way away in a northern land
White white, outside, totally white, a pretty sight
Making footprints in the snow, in the distance where I go
Mama will, be for sure, angry at me, however
I will come home before the night comes
gotta get home before the night comes
I will come home before the night comes
gotta get home before the night comes
As the light was seeping out, of the window of our house
By the time that I arrived, my whole body had turned to ice
at the front of the stove, warm my hands to the bone
Everyone, was relieved, they're not so angry, so it seems
That's why, next time, a longer distance I will try
That's why, next time, a longer distance I will try
Chilling, freezing very cold, living in a little home
Very old, iron stove, red red embers burning coal
Colder than Iceland, a long way away in a northern land
White white, outside, totally white, a pretty sight
Making footprints in the snow, in the distance where I go
Mama will, be for sure, angry at me, however
I will come home before the night comes
gotta get home before the night comes
I will come home before the night comes
gotta get home before the night comes
As the light was seeping out, of the window of our house
By the time that I arrived, my whole body had turned to ice
at the front of the stove, warm my hands to the bone
Everyone, was relieved, they're not so angry, so it seems
That's why, next time, a longer distance I will try
That's why, next time, a longer distance I will try
Sep 7, 2011
Darren Korb - Bastion OST
There are too much awesomeness in this game, my only complaint is its too short of an experience.
I dig my hole you build a wall
I dig my hole you build a wall
One day that wall is gonna fall
Gon' build that city on a hill
Gon' build that city on a hill
Some day those tears are gonna spill
So build that wall and build it strong cause
We'll be there before too long
Gon' build that wall up to the sky
Gon' build that wall up to the sky
Some day your bird is gonna fly
Gon' build that wall until it's done
Gon' build that wall until it's done
But now you've got nowhere to run
So build that wall and build it strong cause
We'll be there before too long
Sep 3, 2011
The Black Keys
Well, he ran around
Late at night
Holding hands
And making light
Of everything
That came before
But there she was
Behind the door
She hit them with her ten cent pistol
Because they ruined her name
Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
And they've never been the same
There's nothing worse
In this world
Than payback from a
Jealous girl
The laws of man
Don't apply
When blood gets in
A woman's eye
Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
Because they ruined her name
Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
And they've never been the same
Stars did fall
Thunder rolled
Bugs crawled back
In their holes
The couple screamed
But far too late
Cause a jealous heart
Did retaliate
She hit them with her ten cent pistol
Because they ruined her name
Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
And they've never been the same
Late at night
Holding hands
And making light
Of everything
That came before
But there she was
Behind the door
She hit them with her ten cent pistol
Because they ruined her name
Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
And they've never been the same
There's nothing worse
In this world
Than payback from a
Jealous girl
The laws of man
Don't apply
When blood gets in
A woman's eye
Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
Because they ruined her name
Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
And they've never been the same
Stars did fall
Thunder rolled
Bugs crawled back
In their holes
The couple screamed
But far too late
Cause a jealous heart
Did retaliate
She hit them with her ten cent pistol
Because they ruined her name
Well, she hit them with her ten cent pistol
And they've never been the same
Aug 29, 2011
Tom Waits - The Black Rider
"The Black Rider: The Casting of the Magic Bullets is a self-billed "musical fable" in the avant-garde tradition created through the collaboration of theatre director Robert Wilson, musician Tom Waits, and writer William S. Burroughs. Wilson was largely responsible for the design and direction. Burroughs wrote the book, while Waits wrote the music and most of the lyrics. The project began in about 1988 when Wilson approached Waits. The story is based on a German folktale called Der Freischütz, which had previously been made into an opera by Carl Maria von Weber. It premiered at Hamburg's Thalia Theatre on 31 March 1990. Waits recorded much of the music from the play in different arrangements under the eponymous title, The Black Rider." - wikipedia
From the original Thalia Theatre Version , with Dominique Horwitz
as Pegleg / Devil
The Black Rider: The Casting of the Magic Bullets synopsis
as Pegleg / Devil
Look like a great stage musical. Somebody had uploaded the whole play in youtube ( though some commenter said that it is not complete, missing a few parts)...the first version from Thalia Theatre from the early 90's. A shame really, that the whole play is in German - only the songs part are in English. I can see why Tom Waits chose to be involved in this..the premise of the story, the vibe, the Faustian bargain, William Burroughs and Robert Wilson - its easy to picture Tom Waits salivating all over this.
The Black Rider: The Casting of the Magic Bullets synopsis
"Wilhelm, a file clerk, falls in love with a huntsman's daughter. In order to marry, Wilhelm must prove his worth as a hunter and gain her father's approval, but, as "a man of pen and ink", his shot is lousy and his hopes of marriage worsen. That is until he is offered magic bullets by the devil, Pegleg – who assures him that his bullets will always have a sure shot. However, Pegleg stipulates that, while most of the bullets will hit anything Wilhelm pleases, one of the bullets is under Pegleg's control. Foolish, naive, and overrun with desperate hope, Wilhelm accepts the Faustian pact. On the day of Wilhelm's wedding, the final bullet strikes his beloved dead. He then goes mad, and joins the previous victims of Satan's cunning in the Devil's carnival."
Wilhelm and the Devil
Then on 1993 Tom Waits recorded and released 'The Black Rider' album , a studio version of the songs he wrote for the play. To be honest at first I kinda skipped this album, assuming it will be like Jim Jarmusch's Night On Earth soundtrack. That one is kinda good, just not Tom Waits-ly great knowwhatimean? And the lack of review really made me think that The Black Rider is a...skippable album. God knows how wrong I am.
Now whenever somebody got the nerve to say "Tom who?" when I am talking about Tom Waits, imma gonna shove 'Just The Right Bullets' or 'The Black Rider' to his ears and watch the mafakka have his first musical a boss.
Aug 26, 2011
Bruce Lee Playing Ping Pong With Nunchaku
I dont know if this thing is real or fake but goddamn, what mad skillzz!!!!111!
Tom Waits - Bad As Me youtube umh..leak?
stupid wmg block content for my country. FFUUUU!!
"Bad As Me"
You’re the head on the spear
You’re the nail on the cross
You’re the fly in my beer
You’re the key that got lost
You’re the letter from Jesus on the bathroom wall
You’re mother superior in only a bra
You’re the same kind of bad as me
I’m the hat on the bed
I’m the coffee instead
The fish or cut bait
I’m the detective up late
I’m the blood on the floor
The thunder and the roar
The boat that won’t sink
I just won’t sleep a wink
You’re the same kind of bad as me
No good you say
Well that’s good enough for me
You’re the wreath that caught fire
You’re the preach to the choir
You bite down on the sheet
But your teeth have been wired
You skid in the rain
You’re trying to shift
You’re grinding the gears
You’re trying to shift
And you’re the same kind of bad as me
They told me you were no good
I know you’ll take care of all my needs
You’re the same kind of bad as me
I’m the mattress in the back
I’m the old gunnysack
I’m the one with the gun
Most likely to run
I’m the car in the weeds
If you cut me I’ll bleed
You’re the same kind of bad as me
You’re the same kind of bad as me
You’re the head on the spear
You’re the nail on the cross
You’re the fly in my beer
You’re the key that got lost
You’re the letter from Jesus on the bathroom wall
You’re mother superior in only a bra
You’re the same kind of bad as me
I’m the hat on the bed
I’m the coffee instead
The fish or cut bait
I’m the detective up late
I’m the blood on the floor
The thunder and the roar
The boat that won’t sink
I just won’t sleep a wink
You’re the same kind of bad as me
No good you say
Well that’s good enough for me
You’re the wreath that caught fire
You’re the preach to the choir
You bite down on the sheet
But your teeth have been wired
You skid in the rain
You’re trying to shift
You’re grinding the gears
You’re trying to shift
And you’re the same kind of bad as me
They told me you were no good
I know you’ll take care of all my needs
You’re the same kind of bad as me
I’m the mattress in the back
I’m the old gunnysack
I’m the one with the gun
Most likely to run
I’m the car in the weeds
If you cut me I’ll bleed
You’re the same kind of bad as me
You’re the same kind of bad as me
Aug 24, 2011
Breaking News - New Tom Waits album!
"Bad As Me is Tom Waits’ first studio album of all new music in seven years. This pivotal work refines the music that has come before and signals a new direction. Waits, in possibly the finest voice of his career, worked with a veteran team of gifted musicians and longtime co-writer/producer Kathleen Brennan. From the opening horn-fueled chug of “Chicago,” to the closing barroom chorale of “New Year’s Eve,” Bad As Me displays the full career range of Waits’ songwriting, from beautiful ballads like “Last Leaf,” to the avant cinematic soundscape of “Hell Broke Luce,” a battlefront dispatch. On tracks like “Talking at the Same Time,” Waits shows off a supple falsetto, while on blues burners like “Raised Right Men” and the gospel tinged “Satisfied” he spits, stutters and howls. Like a good boxer, these songs are lean and mean, with strong hooks and tight running times. A pervasive sense of players delighting in each other’s musical company brings a feeling of loose joy even to the album’s saddest songs".
Due to be released on October 25, 2011
Leon Theremin
"Léon Theremin (born Lev Sergeyevich Termen) (27 August 1896, Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire – 3 November 1993, Moscow, Russia) was a Russian and Soviet inventor. He is most famous for his invention of the theremin, one of the first electronic musical instruments. He is also the inventor of interlace, a technique of improving the picture quality of a video signal, widely used in video and television technology. His invention of "The Thing", an espionage tool, is considered a predecessor of RFID technology."-wikipedia
I fuckin bowed down to this video man..what a beautiful music
Aug 21, 2011
Life forced an ugly lesson on you sometimes
And some fucker just stole my wallet yesterday evening while I was taking a nap. Last I remembered I put it on my study table. The funny thing is 2 days before that I lost my spoon, was fucking annoyed that I am forced to use the fork to prepare my instant coffee. Yesterday the spoon magically reappeared and the wallet magically don't appear anymore. So I just suppressed the urge to kill as best as I can(fucking lock away my butterfly knife and everything) and look around the room in case I misplaced it, with the help of two, three concerned soul..but nil, nada..
So the list of suspects from the biggest to smallest are; the people from the diploma program, people that know me or my roommate, my housemates and the last my own roommate..but the fuck could i do, ask and search every single soul? Motherfucker got the nerve to steal I hope he got the brain to conceal it. I really don't like to think what will happen to the sorry chap if I caught him..
Finally hit the acceptance stage of the Kübler-Ross model, that 5 stages of grief(yeah, The Simpson taught me that):
i. Denial-
ii. Anger-
iii. Bargaining-
"..stupid thief, why dont he just take the damn spoon and leave my wallet alone."
iv. Depression-
v. Acceptance-
" Aww fuck it. He just want the money, the wallet is an evidence. Maybe I'll found it in a dumpster somewhere.."
And still life goes on. I ain't even mad anymore. I had survived a fuckup of a much greater magnitude, one that make this look like an itch on the ass only, and still live just fine. Just kinda annoyed I need to replace all my documents in it, my I.C and driving license all that shit. And hear my mom nag me about this..
..ahh fuck it.
So the list of suspects from the biggest to smallest are; the people from the diploma program, people that know me or my roommate, my housemates and the last my own roommate..but the fuck could i do, ask and search every single soul? Motherfucker got the nerve to steal I hope he got the brain to conceal it. I really don't like to think what will happen to the sorry chap if I caught him..
Finally hit the acceptance stage of the Kübler-Ross model, that 5 stages of grief(yeah, The Simpson taught me that):
i. Denial-
"My wallet ain't lost..I just misplaced it somewhere. Maybe it want to play hide n seek..what a cute little wallet."
ii. Anger-
iii. Bargaining-
"..stupid thief, why dont he just take the damn spoon and leave my wallet alone."
iv. Depression-
v. Acceptance-
" Aww fuck it. He just want the money, the wallet is an evidence. Maybe I'll found it in a dumpster somewhere.."
And still life goes on. I ain't even mad anymore. I had survived a fuckup of a much greater magnitude, one that make this look like an itch on the ass only, and still live just fine. Just kinda annoyed I need to replace all my documents in it, my I.C and driving license all that shit. And hear my mom nag me about this..
..ahh fuck it.
and here is some soul-soothing song i used to diffuse my rage
Aug 16, 2011
Rupa & The April Fishes
"Coming from the land of earthquakes, social movements, social networking, peace-lovers and global corporate conglomerates, Rupa & the April Fishes embody the pluralistic and paradoxical sounds of the San Francisco Bay Area. The band came together in 2006, in the Mission District, a place of intersection where original dwellers, the Yelamu Indians, lived for 2000 years before the arrival of Spanish missionaries, followed by old San Francisco Irish families mashed up with relatively newer Latino, African American, Asian and Pacific Islander communities and the most recent group---the children of the middle and upper middle class, mostly white hipsters." Official Website
I think this band is the most significant finding I made this year. No offense to Dex Romweber though, it's just their sound is so much different than the stuff I used to hear. The band closest to this I'd heard are Gogol Bordello and Marc Ribot's Los Cubanos Postizos. I dont know how to exactly describe their sound; they got that exotic latin vibe with some gypsy sound and jazz and cabaret and tango...and I just notice how fucking sexy a song sung in French is. Note to self-need to dig more latin & french band.
The star of the band is definitely bandleader Dr Rupa Marya. Thats not a fucking typo, she is a doctor ( a physician) slash musician. And she could sing in English, French and Spanish. Yea, she made all the normal people feel like a fucking sloth alright.
- An article about Rupa Marya(Physician by day, Musician by night)-
Gorillaz..Glastonbury X Harlem

Aug 15, 2011
Aug 12, 2011
Adrian Champion Presents: Star and Stripes-The White Stripes Reimagined
"I was late jumping on The White Stripes bandwagon. But, when I heard "Doorbell" a few years back I became an instant fan. That raw, classic sound was so fresh to me. I went straight to iTunes and downloaded the whole album. It wasn't long before I owned everything they'd ever released.
What really got me was that I wanted to sample almost every song. But, I couldn't just shamelessly sample their whole catalog. Plus, I had just decided to move away from sampling and focus on writing original music. So, a remix project seemed like the thing to do, and the idea was born.
I started digging through my collection and fitting all the pieces together. My goal was to use only samples from The White Stripes and a cappellas from classic songs and my favorite emcees. And of course, I had to rap on one of the tracks myself, with my man Brian Jacobs on the hook.
So there it is, hip-hop fans, meet The White Stripes.
Fans of The White Stripes, meet hip-hop"-Adrian Champion, official site
Kind of dope..
Aug 11, 2011
Someone ordered a Michelle Gun?
System of a Down-Rock am Ring 2011
Fatter, Greyer-No less Rocking!
Aug 10, 2011
Dexter Romweber, post Flat Duo Jets(1998-20XX)
"We only live twice
or so it seems..
One life for yourself..
and one for your dream"
-Flat Duo Jets, 'You only live twice'-
I got the shivers man, the first time I heard that song. So yeah, its official. Dexter Romweber is one of my musical god now. So I guess I owe you another one eh, Jack?
Last Kind Word Blues(Geeshie Wiley cover)
(lyrics below not complete or fully correct) The last kind word I heard my daddy say Lord the last kind word I heard my daddy say If I die, if I die in the German War I want you to send my body, send it to my mother-in-law If I get killed, if I get killed, please don't bury my soul I (p'fer) just leave me out, let the buzzards eat me whole When you see me comin', look 'cross the rich man's field If I don't bring you flour, I'll bring you bolted meal I went to the depot, I looked up at the sign Cry some train don't come, there'll be some walkin' done My momma told me, just before she died Lord, (since the dawn, I thought you'd be so wise?) (Oh precious daughter, don't you be so wise) The Mississippi River, you know it's deep and wide I can stand right here, see my (babe?) (face?) from the other side What you do to me baby, it never gets out of me I mean I'll see you, after I cross the deep blue sea
Jack White had invited Dexter and his sister Sara Romweber to record a 7' under his Third Man Records, resulting in a...kind of collaboration (albeit for just 2 songs) between Jack and his hero. In an interview, Sara recalled that after Jack finished the recording of the song, he had this big ass grin on his face and said "You dont know how long I fucking wait to hear that guitar tone in my studio.." or something like that.
Dex Romweber Trio?
Aug 2, 2011
Dexter Romweber-Flat Duo Jets(1985-1998)
If you had put enough research or study on Mr Jack White, you should know that one of his major influence is this rockabilly band from Athens called the Flat Duo Jets. He confessed of owning all their records, said he practically slept with their album Go Go Harlem Baby as a teenager and proclaim that they are the best kept secret of the rock n roll underground .
In fact its guitarist, Dexter Romweber is credited as 'the man who make Jack White as Jack White'. I mean you could see his influence all over Jack; like his intensity onstage, the two-piece duo format and his love of cheap, old instrument, and that whole fuck-new-technologies attitude, to name a few. The only big difference I noticed is that while Jack's influences are primarily the old blues legend like Howlin' Wolf and Son House, Dexter is more into the rockabilly roots with the like of Elvis Presley and Gene Vincent....and motherfucking Chopin!
Jack had been blowing their horn for quite a while, like in that documentary "It Might Get Loud" where he discuss one of their song 'Frog went A-Courtin'. That is what I like about the guy, he gave the credit where the credit is due. In fact I bet most of this generation that heard about Flat Duo Jets is through Jack White.
"I aint discuss thing in my private life..thats just what turn your mothers on!"-Dexter
"Much has been said about rockabilly roots-rocker Dexter Romweber over the years, both positive and negative, and sorting fact from fiction is no easy undertaking. Words like "crazy," "possessed," "frenzied," and "demented" get thrown around quite a bit. But so do words like "authentic," "visionary," "genuine," and "genius." Which of these terms most accurately describes the man is up for debate. While that last g-word is thrown around way too often these days, don't be too quick to dismiss this description of Dexter. As for the man himself, Romweber seems to shrug off the attention responding simply by saying, "You tend to get a reputation traveling around, playing rock-n-roll." Indeed. And Dexter's credentials precede him in this department.
Romweber has been "travelling around, playing rock-n-roll" since the mid-1980's. He and drummer Crow made up the seminal roots outfit Flat Duo Jets that hailed from Chapel Hill, NC and, for a short time, Athens, GA. Often pegged by critics and casual fans as simply rockabilly, the Duo Jets were adept at playing in a multitude of styles. Their music stemmed from a love of 50's rock-n-roll artists like Eddie Cochran, Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Elvis, et al, and they played it with passion and abandon-exactly what rock-n-roll is all about." Dexter Romweber: Beyond Flat Duo Jets.
WHITE TREES(bonus-Crazy Hazy Kisses, Jet Tone Boogie)
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