The White Stripes-Wasting my time
And if i'm wasting my time
then nothing could be better
than hanging on the line
and waiting for an honest word forever
And if you're saying goodbye
please don't you think me bitter
for recalling every rhyme
from the book the page
the line the word the letter
Well the windows turning blue
and the waters ever flowing
and i hope i'm not a fool
for laughing at myself
as you are going
then nothing could be better
than hanging on the line
and waiting for an honest word forever
And if you're saying goodbye
please don't you think me bitter
for recalling every rhyme
from the book the page
the line the word the letter
Well the windows turning blue
and the waters ever flowing
and i hope i'm not a fool
for laughing at myself
as you are going
Ahhh...Jack'n'Meg duo is still the best. Especially with their older stuff, y'know their classics like Canon, Astro and covers of Death Letter(Son House) and One More Cup of Coffee(Dylan) from their self-title and De Stijl album. I know Jack had been messing around with a couple of band aside White Stripes-The Racounteurs and Dead Weather, I think maybe he miss the sound of a full band, though the new bands sound more hollow to me if you compare them with the 'Stripes.
The 'Stripes is currently working on their seventh album after Meg recovered from her acute anxiety that forced the band to cancel their US tour in '07, and Meg need some time to start over from her 'one year dead-halt' as Jack put it. The latest offering from the duo is the film "Under Great White Northern Light", document their Canadian tour which include live concert and off-stage footage. Gonna post them links as soon as somebody rip 'em cos I dont think its even on sale now(only can order from their site).
Jack White' word of wisdom-
" It seems like everybody today is so available - ready, willing and available for anything, and will go on and be part of a reality show at the drop of a hat. It seems like nobody has any sort of dignity any more. Dylan was trying to maintain his dignity, and a lot of people from an era earlier than maybe 40 or 50 years, it was easier to maintain that dignity. But I think something's really been lost world-wide. They don't want you to have dignity, they just don't want you to. It pisses them off. They wanna tear you down if you have dignity. It scares them. They're not jealous. They're just scared I think."-The White Stripes Uncut
Oh yeah, before I forget.. if you cats out there dig the 'Stripes maybe you want to check out this band from Vancouver called The Pack A.D (stand for after death); a blues-rock, guitar-drum duet similar to the 'Stripes concept but the difference is that they are both girls. Dont be mislead tho, these chicks fuckin rocks, HARD! And their blues have this kind of old school vibe whereas White Stripes bend the blues to fit the ears of the modern masses. Still they both sound kind of similar on your first 2-3 round of their albums, Tintype and Funeral Mixtape..
Tintype, Funeral Mixtape credit to the dudes from Pascalito's Way blog.

“the Pack A.D., a Vancouver blues-punk duo that proves you don’t need a bulging package to play the devil’s music. You do need balls, though. And drummer Maya Miller and guitarist-vocalist Becky Black are packing some pretty serious gonads—musically speaking, of course.”
- Sarah Rowland (Georgia Straight) from
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